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Cavinchi and COVID-19

Based on the current guidelines of the CDC, I will remain open for online business. I am constantly monitoring this situation and will immediately implement changes to these procedures to ensure a high level of safety for myself and customers. Keeping up to date with the  Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) is my priority.

Please keep In mind during this challenging time I will continue to focus on prevention and transparency all pieces that are created. As a guarantee I will continue to monitor this situation daily and will keep you updated on any other developments at Cavinchi online. There will be a ten day extension on all returns due to these unprecedented times. Please continue to stay safe avoiding as much contact as possible and I wish you the best over the coming weeks. Always stay fruitful and optimistic knowing that things will get better  and nothing is ever set in stone.

Just a few tips:

1. Be sure to clean your jewelry during the Corona virus (COVID-19) outbreak with soap and water. These two options are usually your best option to preserve any type of metal. 


2. If you use an alcohol-based cleaner, make sure it is 70% alcohol, but do not use it on fine metals and        gemstones.


3. Wash each piece of jewelry for at least 20 seconds and use a soft toothbrush to get into the crevices.

4. Soaking your jewelry in warm water with a de-greasing soap will help any jewelry/gemstone that

is looking a little dingy.


5. Avoid abrasive cleaners which will adversely affect shiny plastic surfaces leaving them dull and clouded. © Copyright
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